Rooted Podcast Trailer
E1 trailer

Rooted Podcast Trailer

Speaker 1: Welcome to the Rooted Podcast.

Speaker 1: My name is Luke, I'm an associate pastor at Conduit Ministries in Jamestown, new York, and this podcast is all about seeing lasting life change for your good and for God's glory.

Speaker 1: Rooted is a ministry that I started here at the church in part or in some form.

Speaker 1: Since I kind of got here, it was quickly laid on my heart to begin to lean into and learn more about things surrounding, about recovering from addiction, about dealing with healing and generational sin and breaking cycles and making lasting life change.

Speaker 1: And as I kind of leaned into that and I learned more about things that we hear about like the 12 steps and read different books, I found a lot of those things very helpful and I found a lot of even really good Christian resources.

Speaker 1: But I wanted to find something that tried to synthesize a number of those things together, synthesizing what we can learn and know about the Bible, but not just individual verses from the Bible, the whole story of the Bible, a deeper theological meaning there and also wanted to integrate things like the 12 steps.

Speaker 1: Even though I don't think the 12 steps are found directly in the Bible, I think that there are principles there that we can learn and apply.

Speaker 1: And then looking at things from psychology and counseling world and seeing where can those things come into play as well.

Speaker 1: And so Rooted is my attempt to try and formulate the things that I've learned, that I've read, and to bring them all into one synthesized place.

Speaker 1: This podcast will kind of serve as an exploration of those topics, of those themes of dealing with addiction, of dealing with past hurts, dealing with cycles of sin, dealing with just feeling generally stuck if we're finding ourselves in a place where we're not able to kind of move forward or move in our sanctification.

Speaker 1: So it can be anything from dealing with a serious addiction like alcohol to dealing with a pornography addiction, to dealing with cycles and patterns that you seem to repeat throughout your life or in your relationships or family, or just feeling generally kind of stuck, not able to make significant change or make a step in the direction where you feel God is calling you to.

Speaker 1: I don't pretend to be an expert in any of these things.

Speaker 1: I'm someone who's just kind of learning these things and I want to try and put them out as best as I can, kind of refine what I'm saying and think about this out loud, I hope, as this podcast goes on and as a community around this builds, you will share your questions and insights here.

Speaker 1: I hope this to be a not just a one-way dialogue, but I hope it to be a two-way dialogue.

Speaker 1: So, if that's what's interesting to you, I hope to put out these episodes that are going to be a little bit shorter, at least to start with we'll see how it goes when I just kind of walk through some of the big ideas that I've kind of learned and seen that are critical to figuring out how to make actual life change happen.

Speaker 1: So subscribe, leave us a review, let me know your feedback onto this and be looking for more episodes.

Speaker 1: If you're looking for other podcasts to be listening to, you can always check out.

Speaker 1: I'm with another podcast called Uncut.

Speaker 1: It's a podcast I'm doing with my senior pastor here at Conduit Ministries.

Speaker 1: We sit down and have uncut honest conversations about faith, life and ministry.

Speaker 1: It's a dialogue where we sit down and we try and be as unscripted as possible and talk about the things that are on our hearts and on our minds and in our lives, and we hope that that's a benefit to you.

Speaker 1: And then you can always check out Conduit Ministries podcast if you want to look and find some Bible teachings there.

Speaker 1: If you're in the western New York Jamestown area, hit me up.

Speaker 1: I'd love to connect with you on these topics in person.

Speaker 1: I want to build a community in the area that I'm located in around these topics and provide resources not just broadly but also locally as well.

Speaker 1: So hit me up.

Speaker 1: We can connect and share resources and dream about what's going on in this area.

Speaker 1: So if this sounds like the type of podcast you'd be interested in, hit the subscribe button.

Speaker 1: Be a look on the lookout for new episodes on the runway.

Speaker 1: I'll see you next time.