Stepping Away From Insanity

Stepping Away From Insanity

Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. How do we stop the cycle we are in? If we are stuck in addiction or in the past, we might be behaving in a way that is going to lead to results we don't want. This week we talk about some of the keys to putting a stop to the insanity and turning around. 

  • (00:07) - Introduction: The Rooted Life Change Podcast
  • (01:21) - Illustration: How did we end up here?
  • (05:34) - Turning towards sanity: Wake up and embrace strength and acceptance
  • (10:22) - Finding Serenity in the Midst of Life's Storms
  • (13:10) - Aligning Actions with Values for a Life of Integrity
  • (15:23) - Cultivating Trust in Others and in Ourselves

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