Breaking Free of the False Self

Breaking Free of the False Self

We all put on masks. But the greater the difference between our masks and our real selves, the greater our struggles become. This episode is all about how to resolve that tension. How do we relieve the tension and stress of constantly hiding ourselves away and pretending to have it all together? 

We believe that lasting life can happen for your good and for God's glory. 

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:08 Unpacking the Inner Workings of Our Lives 
00:01:43 Identifying the False Self: Who Are You Really? 
00:02:18 Presenting a Put-Together Image vs. Being Authentic 
00:04:07 The False Self: Desiring Acceptance through Image and Performance 
00:05:52 The False Self and the Development of the Shadow 
00:07:04 Examples of the False Self and the Shadow 
00:10:08 The Impact of the Shadow on Our Lives 
00:11:04 The Power and Influence of Shadows 
00:13:17 The Consequences of Living into the False Self 
00:17:22 Finding Healing by Embracing the True Self 
00:21:42 Embracing God's Invitation of Love and Acceptance 
00:24:57 Reflecting on Our False Self and Shadow in Life's Story

Episode Video